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VIRTUAL CAMP DAY 1: Superheroes: Find the Power Within

Writer's picture: Danville Stake YW CampDanville Stake YW Camp


We love the artwork that YCL Haley S. put together for camp. Here is some insight from Haley, "I tried to show that just because she was an average girl, she could still wear her cape and be a superhero, just like all of us are able to take Christ’s name upon us and become stronger through him. We can all be super in our own way!"

SCRIPTURE: “I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” Phil. 4:13

GOAL: Reflect on your spiritual gifts and write down attributes you feel you have been given from your Heavenly Parents? (example: patience, faith, leadership)

SONG: My own Superhero by Shawna Edwards

"First off, I am disappointed that my YCL year is not going to happen at girls camp, but I know that everything happens for a reason and hopefully we can make this virtual camp work! I really loved the song “my own superhero” the first time that I heard it. I think it relates very well to what we are going through right now as well. It starts off with “when I feel alone or afraid and nothing is going my way or when I am running a little low on faith”. With all the distractions in our lives, we can tend to get down on ourselves and tell ourselves that we can’t do hard things or that we aren’t good enough. We tend to be negative and look only at the bad things in life. However, the song goes on to say “that’s when I just got to believe, there’s power and courage in me.” This short line tells us so much about ourselves. If we look at all the good things about ourselves, we will not only feel better but also be motivated to do those hard things in our lives. The song continues to the bridge where it says “I’ll never give up, I’ll never give in. And each time I fall, I will rise again”. We are all human and there will be points in our lives where we mess up and get down on ourselves, but it is important to know that, with faith, you can overcome those challenges and God will help you to come back even stronger! Overall, the entire message to “be your own superhero” is very important for all of us to take to heart because we are all amazing young women who can do hard things and overcome our challenges!" McCall E. YCL

CHALLENGE: Faith Focus: Hunt For Heroes

To find the location of a station, you will be given a google map pin drop. To find the location of the QR code within that general area you will need to solve a riddle. Need help? A YCL will be on call at all times to give hints or reveal locations!

Click on above video from YCL Ella M.

JUST FOR FUN: Braid your hair and post a picture of yourself in the comments! Prizes delivered to your doorstep for those who leave the braids in ALL WEEK!

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14 комментариев

Coach Michelle McConnell
Coach Michelle McConnell
02 июн. 2020 г.

Mia McConnell’s braids are in! 🤞they last all week🤣


Tara Lenox
Tara Lenox
02 июн. 2020 г.

Braids are in


02 июн. 2020 г.

The Gifford girls and their niece Abi Wright ready to go all week with their braids!


Addison & Aubrey E.
02 июн. 2020 г.

All the Eves girls joined in on braiding fun! Hopefully they last the whole week!


Lillian Smith
Lillian Smith
02 июн. 2020 г.

Janet had a great time reading the blog and starting on the scavenger hunt! Haley's art rocks!

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