Click below for a printable coloring page of this scripture. Color it and hang it in your room!
"I really like this scripture (“For with God nothing shall be impossible”) because it reminds me that God can do anything, and with His help we can do hard things. We all face hard things in our lives. Not being able to see friends while sheltering in place because of the coronavirus is hard. Getting sick or having someone you care about get sick is hard. Parents divorcing is hard. Missing a sibling who’s left on a mission or away at college is hard. Balancing everything for school is hard. Standing up for what you believe in is hard. Sometimes it’s hard to get along with family members or other people. With God’s help we can do hard things! He is our superpower!" Josie S. YCL
Alma 26:35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name.
GOAL: Write down your personal feelings about Jesus Christ and the power you gain from your testimony of Him.
"I know that this gospel is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that when we read it we will be so very blessed. I know that we have a living prophet, and that we can receive our own revelation. I know that Heavenly Father loves me and each of you. I know that the Savior died for us and suffered for our sins and pains so we don't have to do it alone. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and the knowledge that I can be with my family for eternity". Brooke H. YCL
SONG: I Can Do All Things by Tanner Townsend

Help the environment by giving bees and other pollinators places to get nectar and spread pollen! Below are the instructions on how to start a flower garden with a cardboard egg carton. Dirt and seeds can be found at the Teerlink’s house (find address on LDS tools or ask your YW leader) all day on Thursday, June 4. Bring a container or a cardboard egg container with you to the Teerlink's to collect your dirt. Please obey social distancing rules and wear a mask!
Step 1: Cut off the top of the egg carton at the hinge and place underneath the bottom section as a tray to absorb any extra water.
Step 2: Distribute soil evenly between the 12 growing compartments.
Set 3: Place a small pinch of seeds in each growing compartment, then lightly cover them in remaining soil. Water every other day, being careful not to overwater.
Step 4: When your seedlings are 3” tall (or in 2-3 weeks) transplant the entire egg carton to a container in a sunny location on the patio or in the garden. To transplant, moisten the soil and gently handle the delicate plants taking care not to damage the stems or roots (a small spoon will help you scoop the entire group of seedlings from each cell) or you can cut or tear the individual egg carton cells and plant, being sure to cut a little off the bottom so that the roots can easily expand. Egg cartons will decompose!
Step 5: Plants need elbow room! So now is a good time to thin your seedlings to just a few plants per growing compartment. Do this by choosing the biggest, strongest, and healthiest plants to keep. Clip off the remaining seedlings at the dirt level using a pair of scissors. Pulling them out will damage healthy plant root systems.
Step 7: It is important to feed your plants. After transplanting, use compost or fertilizer to maximize growth. Continue to water every other day.
The sun powers photosynthesis processes within a plant which allows the plant to produce beautiful flowers. These flowers are crucial for the lives of bees and other pollinators. With the continual threat of habitat loss, bees are becoming endangered. Building these gardens will help these wonderful creatures to continue to thrive in our neighborhoods. Like plants, we can produce our very own flowers of friendship, service, and love. We need to use our unique and special flowers to bless the people in our communities who are struggling. Each individual effort towards helping struggling friends is necessary. We shouldn’t get hung up on which one is better or worse because they all come from God. We all use His power differently and that is what makes our flowers beautiful.
Enjoy making your gardens and don’t forget to use your own flowers to bless others!!
JUST FOR FUN: Have a dance party with your family like the ones we used to have at camp! Post a video in the comments

Brinley loved planting her seeds. Thanks to all the work put into this virtual camp!
Hunt for Heroes completed!
Finished the scavenger hunt and decorated mask with pins. Hope it was ok to take all 5 designs! Thanks for putting it together!